Responsive Image

Images that automatically resize themselves

The [image] shortcode lets you insert an image that automatically resizes to fill its parent container. The idea is that you can add an image to a page and have it display correctly on all devices - desktop, tablet and mobile. Resize the window and watch as the image below resizes correctly. You can also click it to launch lightbox.

Get The Code

[image src="http://path/to/my/image.png" width="980" height="440"
title="Image Title" autosize="true" lightbox="true"]

Customization Options

  • src – the URL of the image you want to display
  • width – the width and height will be used to maintain the aspect ratio of the image as it is resized
  • height – the width and height will be used to maintain the aspect ratio of the image as it is resized
  • title – the title of the image
  • autoresize – whether or not you want the responsive autoresize to run
  • lightbox – whether you want lightbox to launch if the image is clicked
  • clickthrough – whether you want to navigate to the image URL when the image is clicked